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TMJ Treatment in Lutz

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Perfect Smile Dental Studio offers TMJ treatment in Lutz, FL. To learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Bush, please call our office at .

What Is TMJ?

TMJ is a common abbreviation that stands for the temporomandibular joints. These joints connect the mandible (lower jaw) to the skull. They are complex joints with multiple motions, allowing the mandible to move from side to side, up and down, forward and back.

When these joints work well, patients can chew, talk, eat, and relax without issues. When the temporomandibular joints become inflamed or misaligned, painful symptoms follow.

Causes and Risk Factors of TMJ Disorder

Jaw injuries frequently cause TMJ disorder. Arthritis is another frequent culprit, as are genetic conditions. However, many cases of TMJ do not have a clear cause. Other factors that could raise your risk level for TMJ include:

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding): While many patients who habitually grind or clench their teeth develop TMJ, others do not.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis frequently impact the temporomandibular joints.
  • Certain connective tissue disorders like lupus

Signs You Need TMJ Treatment

  • Jaw muscle pain
  • Stiffness in the jaw muscles
  • Jaw locking or limited movement
  • Ear pain and pressure
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Chronic headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Grating sound in the jaw joint when closing or opening the mouth, especially if accompanied by pain
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Why Choose Perfect Smile Dental Studio?

At Perfect Smile Dental Studio, we create a warm and welcoming environment for every patient. Please bring your entire family to our practice, and we would be honored to be your dental home. We provide expert TMJ treatment, using our education and experience to help you overcome your pain.

Treatment Options


Home Treatment

Many cases of TMJ can get relief at home using warm and cold compresses, over-the-counter medications, stretching, and massage. TMJ also has a strong connection with daily stress. Dentists encourage TMJ patients to find ways to introduce mindfulness and relaxation in their busy daily lives. Yoga and stretching are also helpful.

Non-Invasive Treatments

Dentists provide custom-made oral appliances that hold the jaw at the correct angle. If a combination of supportive treatments and oral appliance therapy does not work, dentists may recommend surgery.
TMJ also has a strong connection with daily stress. Dentists encourage TMJ patients to find ways to introduce mindfulness and relaxation in their busy daily lives. Yoga and stretching are also helpful.


Temporomandibular joint surgery is often a treatment of last resort, but in case of disk problems or arthritis, it may be necessary to relieve pain.
TMJ also has a strong connection with daily stress. Dentists encourage TMJ patients to find ways to introduce mindfulness and relaxation in their busy daily lives. Yoga and stretching are also helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ Treatment

If my jaw clicks when I move it, do I have TMJ?

Not necessarily: if the jaw clicks, pops, or grates without pain, you probably do not have TMJ but would benefit from an evaluation. If you have any pain associated with jaw noises, you are more likely to have the condition.

What is the connection between stress and TMJ?

Many patients respond to stress by clenching their jaw muscles and grinding their teeth, especially at night. Over time, these repetitive motions can strain the jaw muscles, creating tension that pulls the temporomandibular joint out of alignment. The more you can do to reduce daily

Can TMJ be cured?

TMJ symptoms can disappear with proper treatment. They may recur if the patient experiences stress or a jaw injury.

Can TMJ result from a car accident?

Accidents cause many cases of TMJ. Any time the jaw joints experience a blow or another trauma, TMJ could result.

What happens if I do not treat my TMJ?

Living with the pain of TMJ is grueling. If treatment options exist, pursuing them and saving yourself the discomfort makes sense. Untreated TMJ can lead to excess tooth wear, chronic headaches, and many other dental and physical conditions.

Does a poor dental bite cause TMJ?

Dental bite issues have not been proven to cause TMJ, though some practitioners suspect a link.

Can TMJ change your face?

TMJ can alter the contours of your face by straining the jaw muscles. To regain your original face shape, look into receiving treatment.

What is the leading cause of TMJ?

Injury is the most common cause of TMJ, followed by arthritis. Many TMJ cases are difficult to trace, and researchers are unsure why some patients develop the condition.

Call Perfect Smile Dental Studio

TMJ is a painful condition, and if you have any of the symptoms above, please call our Lutz, FL office at to schedule an appointment. You do not have to live permanently with jaw pain, headaches, and other symptoms.
Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

Perfect Smile Dental Studio


24632 Hwy 54




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