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Preventive Dentistry in Lutz, FL

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Perfect Smile Dental Studio offers preventive dentistry services in Lutz, FL. To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call our office at .

What Is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry covers procedures that protect and maintain patients' oral health. When patients keep up with preventive treatments at least twice yearly, they will enjoy better oral health outcomes and keep their healthy teeth longer.

Benefits of Preventive Dentistry

  • Lowers risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other serious dental issues
  • Promotes positive oral health care habits, including brushing and flossing
  • Saves time and money by identifying dental issues at earlier stages
  • Provides vital oral cancer screenings
  • Reduces dental problems related to chronic medical conditions, like osteoporosis, diabetes, and eating disorders
  • Reduces the chance of developing conditions associated with gum disease, like cardiac problems and diabetes
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Why Choose Perfect Smile Dental Studio?

Dr. Bush has 35 years of experience in the field of dentistry. She believes in the power of preventive dentistry to reduce future problems and provide a foundation for excellent oral health. The practice offers top-notch care in a warm, relaxing setting.

Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination

Your dentist will perform a comprehensive exam every visit to assess your oral health. They will check your gums, teeth and other oral structures to ensure proper function. Your dentist will check all your restorations, like crowns and fillings, to ensure everything is in good repair. Finally, they will perform an oral cancer screening.

Learn More About Comprehensive Evaluation / Oral Examination

Dental Cleaning

Dental cleanings leave the mouth feeling fresh and the teeth smooth and polished. Cleanings remove dental plaque and tartar that build up between visits since these substances can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental Sealants

Sealants are a safe resin substance applied to deep grooves in the permanent molars. This product keeps food and plaque from collecting in inaccessible tooth crevices and causing decay.

Flouride Treatment

Fluoride is a natural mineral. It hardens tooth enamel and helps to protect against tooth decay. Fluoride treatment is not reserved for children; adults can also benefit from this procedure.

Custom Mouth Guards

Active patients should consider getting a custom mouth guard from their family dentist. A custom mouth guard protects the teeth from sports accidents and reduces the chance of experiencing dental trauma.

Learn More About Custom Mouth Guards

Custom Night Guards

Night guards help patients with bruxism (teeth grinding) save their teeth. Patients who clench or grind their teeth may be more prone to chips, cracks, and damaged restorations. Bruxism may also be associated with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome, a painful jaw condition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Preventive Dentistry

How often should I see the dentist?

Patients of all ages should visit the dentist approximately every six months. Dentists recently recommended that young children have their first dental exam at or before their first birthday, as the baby teeth erupt. The six-month recommendation is not one-size-fits-all. If you have conditions like gum disease or excessive tooth decay, your dentist may want to see you three to four times yearly.

Why does my child need fluoride treatments when we already use fluoride toothpaste at home?

Fluoride from the dental office is much more potent and concentrated than over-the-counter preparations. To rebuild damaged tooth enamel and lower your chance of tooth decay, have a professional fluoride treatment at least once yearly.

How does gum disease lead to systemic illness?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, causes constant inflammation in the gum tissue. This inflammation leads to an over-response from the immune system and makes the body attack its own tissues. Cardiac problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes can result, as well as preterm birth.

What if I am scared to visit the dentist?

Address your concerns with your dentist or hygienist. Dental anxiety is common, and your dentist has treated many patients who have this issue. Your dentist will make your appointment as gentle and comfortable as possible.

Can a dental sealant replace a filling?

Dental sealants can reduce the chance of decay by up to 80 percent but cannot replace fillings for existing cavities. To prevent a cavity from further damaging your tooth, the dentist must remove compromised material and replace it with a filling or crown.

What are the signs of gum disease?

  • Bleeding gums when you brush or floss
  • Bad breath
  • More space between teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Pus along the gum line
  • Receding gums

How can I prevent tooth decay?

Brushing and flossing, as recommended, is the first line of defense against tooth decay. Use an approved fluoride toothpaste, and brush at least twice daily. Do not skip flossing since flossing removes plaque and debris between teeth.

How often should I have an oral cancer screening?

Your dentist should look for signs of oral cancer at each visit. Oral cancer is treatable in its early stages, but patients who do not have regular oral care may miss the signs.

Call Perfect Smile Dental Studio

If you need a cleaning or other preventive dental services, don’t hesitate to contact our Lutz, FL office at . Even if your cleaning is overdue, we can help you take control of your oral health.
Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

Perfect Smile Dental Studio


24632 Hwy 54




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